
Lately, i've been playing this game for whole day. I couldn't get tired of it. This Cityville game are really a good game. I recommended this game to you.
If you wanna play this game, you must a facebook account. Then, you might wanna search it. Type " Cityville " or " Zynga's Games ".
Cityville is a game that allow you to build your own dream city.
You can build community buildings, farming area, shipping area and many more. So Let's play !
By the way, this game will much more fun if you have many friends playing this game too. Add your friends to be your neighbors in this game.
Also add me as your friend so we can share and be neighbor in Cityville.

Click [here] to add me on facebook

p.s : please put some messege that you want to be my Cityville neighbor's

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