
Well, last month I got back with my boyfriend and last Saturday i've dump. He said that he won't fight with me. He rather be my friend and break up with me in hoping that we're never fight anymore. That's sounds silly to me. I mean, come on. In all relationship, there must be a moment that you have disagree with your partner and that's makes you argued. But that's the spice of the relationship. Are you thinking that relationship is just for fun ? HELL NO. If thinking like that, you're a child then. Not only I disappointed with my ex, I also got disappointed with my BESTFRIEND ! Argh, stupid day !
Once i got disappointed , i'll hard to recover. I'll flat to whom disappointed me.
Maybe you think I'm quite cheerful but actually, I'm a loner.
I will always got it eventhough I tried to be not a loner. But this is me. I'm a loner. Call me a freak or whatever you called, but this is me. A person who once get hurt, hard to recover.

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