Who Should Follow On Twitter

Well, let's to the point. Here some people should follow :
#1. ME (xixixi, i know i'm a bit narcism)

#2. Ian Somerhalder , why ? because he's an actor who really care about the environment,nature,animals and many more. He's such a kind person. [ Really Recommended ]

#3. Demi Lovato, why ? Because she's a good teenage role model. Her fans always inspired by her with her words #StayStrong

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Graduated and Prepared for College test

Hi all, I'm totally happy for known that my school, SMAN 5 Bekasi , had 100% students pass the national exam. Thanks god. And now, i'm totally excited to go to college , still, I need to pass the test for college first. Wish Me Luck guys. University of Indonesia, here I come.
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What The Hell - Lipsync

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